
  1. CFAES Faculty and Students Awarded $25,000 to Pursue Global Research Initiatives

    May 7, 2018

    The Office of International Affairs awarded nearly $150,000 as part of its 2017-2018 Academic Enrichment Grant competition, which supports faculty and students' international research.

  2. CFAES Faculty, Students, and Alumni Represent Ohio State at 2018 AIAEE Conference

    Apr 26, 2018

    Eight faculty, students, and alumni in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) recently participated in and presented at the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, held from April 16 – 20, 2018.

  3. CFAES Graduate Students Selected for Distinguished Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security

    Apr 4, 2018

    Two graduate students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) have been selected to participate in the 2018 U.S. Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security, an annual 2-week educational program funded by the U.S.

  4. CFAES Faculty Lead on Global Water Issues

    Mar 22, 2018

    World Water Day, held by UN Water on March 22 each year, seeks to highlight the importance of freshwater. Still today, 2.1 billion people live without safe drinking water at home. Damaged ecosystems, together with a changing climate, affect the quantity and quality of water available for human consumption. This year’s theme, ‘Nature for Water’, explores nature-based solutions (NBS) to the water-related challenges we face in the 21st century.

  5. The Ohio State University Among Peace Corps’ 2018 Top Volunteer-Producing Colleges & Universities

    Feb 26, 2018

    The Peace Corps has announced that Ohio State ranked No. 6 among large schools on the agency’s 2018 Top Volunteer-Producing Colleges and Universities list. There are 62 Buckeyes currently volunteering worldwide. Since the agency’s founding in 1961, 1,821 Buckeyes have served in communities around the world.

  6. Ag Communication Graduate Student Tapped to Represent Ohio State at 2018 Global Food Security Symposium

    Feb 21, 2018

    The Global Food Security Symposium, a platform for discussing the domestic and international community’s progress on addressing food insecurity, will be held from March 21-22 in Washington, DC. The event is held annually by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

  7. Stepping Into the Field: Bridging the Gap between Researchers and Local Farmers in Tanzania

    Jan 5, 2018

    Agriculture in Tanzania is composed mostly of small holder farms, which average about 5 acres in size. Though 90% of Tanzanian livelihoods rely on agriculture, land productivity and soil quality have greatly diminished as a result of substandard agricultural practices and unaffordable fertilizers.

  8. Cooperate Globally, Act Locally - Collaborative Stories of CFAES faculty and Borlaug Fellows

    Dec 13, 2017

    In Autumn 2017, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) was selected to host Alimata Bandaogo from Burkina Faso, Kristine Pascual from the Philippines, and Thobela Nkukwana from South Africa to work with CFAES faculty members through the support of the Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program.

  9. CFAES Faculty and Scholars to represent Ohio State at 2017 World Food Prize Event

    Oct 10, 2017

    Nine faculty, staff, and visiting scholars in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) have been invited to attend the 2017 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium in Des Moines, Iowa from October 18-20, 2017.

    Representing CFAES this year are:

  10. Ohio State Leads Conference to Build Capacity Among Agricultural Higher Education Institutions in Africa

    Sep 22, 2017

    The Ohio State University-led Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) in Tanzania recently completed a three-day workshop entitled “Capacity Building for Scientific Relevance in African Agricultural Universities” for 45 deans and faculty from 19 different agricultural universities in 11 different African countries.
