DEADLINE: Application for International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grants

Dec 1, 2015 (All day)

The Office of International Affairs is seeking applications for its Academic Enrichment Grants which support Ohio State’s Discovery Themes, faculty and student research and the development of new education abroad programs – activities that will have a lasting impact on increasing global awareness and finding solutions to the world’s greatest problems. The grant competition, with separate tracks for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students, is sponsored by the Office of International Affairs, the Office of Research, PHPID, the Office of Undergraduate Education and the China Gateway. The deadline to apply for all grants is December 1.

Research Grants

Proposals are sought for a wide range of research projects, including those that:

  • Promote active research collaborations between Ohio State faculty and partners
  • Address global issues (e.g. public health, public policy, climate change, sustainability) in a regional context
  • Connect discipline-specific research to the implementation of projects and programs in diverse geopolitical and cultural settings
  • Explore the languages, cultures, arts, politics, economy, or socio-demographic aspects of an international region
  • Promote the understanding of countries, cultures and peoples though academic study

PHPID co-sponsors a specific track for faculty research projects engaged in a wide spectrum of interests and subject matter related to the Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Disease initiative.

The research competition will fund between 10 and 15 awards of $3,000 to $8,000.

For more information about the application process:

Education Abroad Seed Grant

The education abroad competition supports proposals from all academic disciplines for new programs with either a general education or discipline-specific focus in any world region. The competition will fund between two and three awards of $7,500 to $10,000 each.

Faculty can request funds for expenses incurred in the generation of content and material for courses, for conducting visits to potential host institutions, and for expenses related to program leadership in the first year. All proposals are judged on their potential impact on educational outcomes for undergraduate students, the internationalization of the student curricular experience, as well as the potential for student academic enrichment and development of global competencies.

For more information about the application process:

China Gateway Research Seed Grant

The China Gateway faculty research grant competition promotes research collaborations between Ohio State faculty and partners in the Greater China region, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. This grant competition seeks proposals focusing on one or more of Ohio State’s Discovery Themes.

For this competition, the funding will support international workshops and conferences that bring together experts from both the United States and the Greater China region in the Discovery Theme fields and spawn opportunities for long-term international collaborative projects. The funding period is for one academic year beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017. Awards are up to $25,000 per year, reimbursed after approved incurred expenses.

For more inforamtion about the application process: