DEADLINE: Proposals for Ohio State - FAPESP/Brazil Collaborative Research Awards
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Ohio State/Brazil 2015 joint Call for Proposals now open
POSTED: MAY 12, 2015
Ohio State University/FAPESP Joint Call for Proposals 2015
Researchers from any department and discipline affiliated with The Ohio State University and the Higher Education Research Institutions in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, are invited to submit proposals for the support of research projects involving the exchange of researchers between the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and Ohio State University.
This Call for Proposals offers two funding opportunities – Mobility Grants and Regular Research Awards.
- Mobility Grants will provide up to $20,000 in funding for a period of up to one year. FAPESP and Ohio State will each provide 50% of the funded amount. These funds can be used for travel, health insurance and living expenses related to the exchange of researchers between the two countries.
- Regular Research Awards will provide up to $100,000 in funding for a period of two years. FAPESP and Ohio State will each provide 50% of the funded amount. Funds can be used for research-related expenses related directly to the project as well as travel, health insurance and living expenses related to the exchange of researchers between the two countries.
Investigators may only submit one proposal (either a Mobility OR a Regular Research Award proposal).
Important Note: Collaborators from Brazil must be a principal investigator of an ongoing research project funded by FAPESP within the following lines: Regular Research Awards; Thematic Projects; Young Investigators; Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPIDs/RIDCs); Public Education Research Program; Research in Public Policies and Research Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE). Co-principal investigators of ongoing Thematic Projects, CEPIDs /RIDCs or PITEs can also be collaborators.
Find a collaborator in Brazil.
The deadline for submission of proposals is July 13, 2015. Successful applicants will be notified in October 2015.
Contact Robert McKenney with questions:
Ohio State/FAPESP Call for Proposals
Ohio State Proposal Forms (forms should be filled out with collaborator from Brazil):
- Mobility Grant Proposal Form (Word document) (Fillable PDF)
- Regular Research Awards Proposal Form (Word document) (Fillable PDF)
Ohio State Budget Template
Funding Opportunity Comparison: View a table that shows the similarities/differences between the two funding categories.
View the FAPESP announcement.
This the second Call for Proposals as a result of a $1.4 million Scientific Cooperative Agreement signed in March 2013 to build on existing collaborations and support future research and innovation. During the first round of funding for this program, 24 $20,000 awards were made to encourage the formation of research collaborations. These awards represented seed funding, with a goal of securing additional support from funding agencies in the United States and Brazil.
View a list of the proposals funded from the 2013 Call for Proposals.