Puerto Rico: The Reality of "Paradise"

Marlia Bosques Martínez: B.S. in Crop Protection from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Pursuing a Masters in Plant Pathology at the OSU under the guidance of Dr. Chris Taylor and Dr. Sally Miller. My research focuses on studying root-knot nematode diversity, yield loss and biocontrol management on tomatoes. 

Noelymar González: B.S. in Agronomy from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Pursuing a Masters in Soil Science at the OSU under the guidance of Dr. Steve Culman. My research focuses on studying soil health in no-till soils.

Ana M. Vázquez Catoni:  B.S. in Biology and in Industrial Microbiology from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Pursuing a Masters in Plant Pathology at the OSU under the guidance of Dr. Soledad Benitez. My research focuses on studying microbial diversity in tomato seedlings.


A talk in the series Cultural Connections:  
“Where Culture Meets Agriculture”