Cultivate’23 is the largest horticulture meeting in North America, taking place every July in Columbus, Ohio. One of its highlights is the tradeshow where many of the key horticulture industries are represented. In 2023 the show had 24 new exhibitors and a waitlist, along with educational seminars made possible by American Horticulture members and staff. ( Cultivate 23 had strong international representation, with 50 countries represented, including a group of international internship participants from The Ohio Program ( Twelve of these interns volunteered to help arrange and set up everything necessary to put on the trade show in downtown Columbus at The Convention Center. The interns were received well by industry. They also attended many of the more than 160 educational seminars, workshops and sold-out tours and met many supporters of the internship program ( at OSU. Most importantly they met with the professionals from Syngenta, who helped to provide funding for most of their activities at Cultivate as well as local trips to Columbus Franklin Park Conservatory ( and kayaking on Darby Creek.
For more information about the program contact The Ohio Program TOP
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