Connect with the Peace Corps at OSU: Valerie Fronczak | OSU Peace Corps Campus Recruiter
If you can't attend an event, here are two handouts I distribute: General Information About the Peace Corps and Benefits of Service. | 614-292-3008.
Office: Agricultural Administration Building, Rm 025A | 2120 Fyffe Road | Columbus, OH 43210.
I can meet with students at a central campus location (Ohio Union/Thompson Library, etc.)
Each week I hold office hours at various locations on campus, or on Zoom.
Check out the new initiatives to serve where the need is greatest!
Week of February 10th
Tuesday, February 11th, Office Hours 10am-12pm, 18th Avenue Library: Group Study Room 128.
Wednesday, February 12th, 1-4pm, CFAES Career Fair.
Thursday, February 13th, Office Hours, 10am-1pm, Denney Hall Employer Suite. Drop in, or let me know you are coming by signing in through Handshake.
Some online events this week at
Next Week
Spring Semester 2025 Notes:
There are currently openings in countries such as Uganda, Viet Nam, and Guinea. Whether you are graduating this year, or thinking about the next step in your career, this may be the perfect time to serve boldly: Peace Corps. If you are considering serving in the Peace Corps, check out the chart below to see application deadlines:
Reference chart for application deadlines
2024 Rankings: OSU ranks 9th among historically top volunteer producing colleges and universities
The Peace Corps has announced its rankings of colleges and universities that have produced the highest all-time number of Peace Corps Volunteers since the agency was established in 1961. Ohio State ranks 9th on the list.
Read the full press release here.
A Message from the new OSU Peace Corps Campus Recruiter 
October 2023
The Peace Corps is back. After resuming service in March 2022, over 2300 volunteers are now active in over fifty-three countries. Whether you are a senior looking to serve after graduation, or generally exploring international development work, this is an exciting time to learn how Peace Corps volunteers partner with local communities in Education, Agriculture, Health, Community Economic Development and other areas. Interested seniors should consider applying for positions with the January 1st or April 1st deadlines. Visit the Peace Corps site for more information, or to apply to be a Peace Corps Volunteer.
I am excited to come onboard as the new OSU Campus Recruiter. I'm a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Malawi), and also an OSU alumna. I'll be at campus events throughout the semester. My contact information is listed below.
Valerie Fronczak
OSU Campus Recruiter
Agricultural Administration Building Rm 025A
2120 Fyffe Road
Columbus, OH 43210