
Search results

  1. Wet Weather and Evaluating Soybean Stand

    Ohio, this means if soybean seeds were further along in the germination process when flooding occurred, ...

  2. The 2014 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 10-14, 2014

    year’s program includes three sessions: 1) Agricultural subsurface drainage: System design and ...

  3. 2015 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 16-20

    three sessions: 1) Agricultural subsurface drainage: System design and installation; 2) Drainage water ...

  4. New Website Layout

    our events page as there are a lot of programs scheduled this winter around the state. For feedback ...

  5. Marestail Control in Wheat and Some Other Weed Stuff

    “Problem Weeds” section of the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois”. We have historically ...

  6. North American Manure Expo

    demonstration event. The event has been hosted by Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, ...

  7. DUE: 4-H Ambassador Applications, Achievement Records

    Any 4-H member applying for state ambassador or submitting an achievement record. ...

  8. Milk Price Outlook

    down $1.13 from the April BFP. This BFP will place average pay prices for Ohio milk producers in the ...

  9. Fall Weather Forecast

    Overall, a fairly quiet weather pattern will impact Ohio to end September with the only real ... moderate threat for patchy frost north and northeast Ohio late this week and again middle of next week ... timing. You can see the latest National Weather Service Ohio River Forecast Center 16-day rainfall graphic ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-17

    goals for the farm. Ohio State University Extension has had a long history of developing “Enterprise ... Attempting to produce ultra-high yields by using extra inputs is not profitable for most Ohio wheat ... producers. That is because the climate of Ohio limits maximum wheat productivity. Most years, Ohio’s weather ...
