
Search results

  1. Community Leadership Visit Day

    Location: Agricultural Administration Building Contact: Emily Wickham, ...

  2. Unconscious eating? CFAES scientist explores mysteries of appetite

    of a five-star restaurant, for example, or a fast-food burger joint, a home kitchen, or an outdoor ...

  3. Got waterhemp? – Find Out the Herbicide Resistance Characteristics Now

    be found around the state, with a concentration in west central Ohio.  We assume all waterhemp ... resistant to glyphosate.  Populations in western Ohio tend to be glyphosate-resistant at this point, but ... populations in other parts of Ohio not necessarily so.  Some populations that are glyphosate-resistant appear ...

  4. Fall Farm Aid Festival

    Oct. 7 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm in the Agricultural Administration Auditorium. This event is held to raise ...

  5. NW Ohio Precision Ag Day and Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    corn, soybeans and wheat are encouraged to attend the Tuesday, August 4th Northwest Ohio Precision Ag ... encouraged to attend the Tuesday, August 4th Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Technology Day at Fulton Co ... will qualify as a full, 3 hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training to comply with Ohio Senate ...

  6. Northern Ohio Hay Production Day

    Hay and forage producers across Northern Ohio will have an opportunity to brush up their knowledge ...

  7. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop- Ottawa

    Program will demonstrate MapWindow GIS & MMP Tools, MMP software and Ohio Nutrient Management ...

  8. Be on the Lookout for Soybean Aphids

    none of the fields in Ohio have reached treatable levels. Given the aphids’ arrival, the growth stage ... Minnesota and Iowa). While we have not heard of any resistant aphids in Ohio, we certainly do not want to ...

  9. Warm Nights May Impact Corn Yield

    states, which have low humidity and limited rainfall. While these areas are characterized by hot sunny ... corn yields in Ohio. The cool night temperatures may have reduced respiration losses during grain fill ...

  10. Soybean Planting Date, Row Width, and Seeding Rate Recommendations

    Over the past few years, with funding from Ohio Soybean Council, we’ve re-examined Ohio’s soybean ... and variety. In southern Ohio, soybeans should be planted any time after April 15 when soil conditions ... are suitable. In northern Ohio, soybean planting can begin the last week of April if soil conditions ...
