
Search results

  1. Reports of Frogeye Leaf spot in southern Ohio:. To spray or not to spray.

    Late reports of frogeye developing on susceptible cultivars in southern Ohio.  So the next ...

  2. Noble County Office

    46049 Marietta Road, Suite 2 Caldwell Ohio 43724 740-732-5681 Visit the Noble County Office ...

  3. Spread of giant ragweed across the North Central Region – results of a CCA survey

    20 years ago or longer in western Ohio, most of Indiana, northern Illinois, southern Wisconsin, ... in northwest Illinois, most of Indiana, and west-central Ohio.  The timing of giant ragweed emergence ... east-central region of the Corn Belt (i.e., Ohio and Indiana) than in other areas.  Difficulty of managing ...

  4. DUE: Ohio 4-H Conference Registration

    Any 4-H member or volunteer that is attending the Ohio 4-H Conference on Saturday, March 14 needs ...

  5. Low-impact Lawn Care

    and?Natural Organic Lawn Care for Ohio? (HYG 4031-04) and Soil Quality Test Kit (SAG-4-08). University of ...

  6. This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn

    been warm and dry across most of the state, drastically reducing the spread of these and other foliar ...

  7. “Tassel Ears” Sightings in Corn

    Tassel Ears” (Figure 1) are showing up in corn fields around Ohio. Corn is the only major field ...

  8. Some reminders about fall herbicide treatments and cover crops

    successfully in the fall on wheat.  Not all labels specifically state approval for fall application to cover ... Note – label states in several places that applying Express with 2,4-D or dicamba actually reduces risk ...

  9. Ohio's Manure Science Review

    Educational program and demonstrations provide the latest information on best practices for manure management. Continuing ed credits available.  2017 MSR Flyer Manure ...

  10. Upper Sugar Creek Farmer Partners

    Agricultural Administration Bldg 2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH 43210 (330) 202-3538 (330) 263-3686 ...
