
Search results

  1. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Instructions for Measuring °Brix in Cucumber, Leafy Greens, Sweet Corn, Tomato, and Watermelon

    15:668–672. Keillor, G. 1997. Leaving Home. Viking Penguin, New York. Kleinhenz, M.D. 2003. Sweet corn variety ...

  2. Water Effects on Livestock Performance

    reported substantial increases in milk output when cows have readily accessible water. Two to five ...

  3. Basic Estate Planning: Miscellaneous Issues

    landowners are for restricted home sites on predetermined sites for children and grandchildren to build ...

  4. Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and Soil Health Testing

    help interpreting what reported numbers mean, the lab must have experienced agronomists or technicians ... on staff to help provide context and walk you through your soil test report. Methods of Analysis ... payment are accepted? How helpful is their website? Fertilizer and Lime Recommendations Soil test reports ...

  5. What to Look for in a Lawn Care Service

    company—does the home lawn need to be immaculate or just have functional grass cover? What is the annual cost ... release which is why quickly-available sources of nitrogen are recommended for early spring. Thus, a dry ... summer or a cool spring/early summer may reduce their rate of release and patience may be required before ...

  6. Soil Acidification: How to Lower Soil pH

    chemical process by which sulfur (S) application results in release of hydrogen ions (H +) to change soil ... hydrogen ions released cause soil pH to decrease. Soil pH is, after all, simply a measure of the hydrogen ... Prentice Hall. Gao, G. (1998). Growing Blueberries in the Home Garden. OSU Extension Fact Sheet ...

  7. Interpreting a Soil Test Report

    University Extension Soil test report formats vary from laboratory to laboratory. However, while report ... formats differ, any standard soil test report has the critical information needed to make a nutrient ... recommendation. This fact sheet helps you identify common soil test terms you will find regardless of the report ...

  8. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    mass balance and energy analysis of HTC of biosolids (modified from Bhatt et al., 2018)   What are the ... it helps release the bound water and thus is highly beneficial for biosolids management [18].  Lower ... B. A. (2018). Hydrothermal processing of biomass for anaerobic digestion– A review. Renewable and ...

  9. Management of Nutrition Incentives at Farmers Markets

    reported to the sponsor or funder. In order to meet the requirements for offering nutrition incentives, ... resolved. Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements The Farmers Market Coalition recommends following its ... recordkeeping and reporting. Recordkeeping should include: total dollar amount of tokens on hand value and type ...

  10. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    continually engages in activities that habituate coyotes; therefore, a comprehensive management plan is one ... attacks on humans account for less than 8% of total reported cases, and most pet attacks are caused by ... temperature and seeking warmth and refuge near people's homes, mange-infected coyotes become more active ...
