
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Survey Sheds Light on Green Industry Labor Force

    However, what opportunities are offered to the industry's labor force may vary from one business to ...

  2. Ohio Master Gardeners Teaching Green During MGV Week May 17-23

    Ike. Over winter, Security National Bank offered online banking customers the opportunity to make ...

  3. OSU Nursery Short Course/CENTS Highlights Ohio Green Industry

    December 3, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The rich tradition of green industry educational opportunities ...

  4. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    international programs. "'We need pledge forms,'" she told her fellow passengers, "and ...

  5. Career Choice of Researcher a Benefit to Millions

    specifically—was more about opportunity than design, but his years of research contributions have changed farming ...

  6. New Opportunities for Tomato Growers With Grafting

    May 13, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – Open field and high tunnel tomato producers yearning for high-quality crop performance with marketable fruit neatly wrapped in one plant may find what they are looking for through grafting.   Ohio State University researchers ...

  7. Alternative Farming Opportunities Focus of Field Day

    September 17, 2001 AUGUSTA, Ohio- Dogs, which have long been used to guard and herd livestock, are taking a back seat to a rather unusual, exotic animal. The llama, a member of the camel family and generally used as a beast of burden, is finding its place ...

  8. Bienergy Economic Opportunities Focus of OSU Field Night

    August 4, 2009 PIKETON, Ohio – Bioenergy and its potential to further southern Ohio economic development will be the focus of an Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon field night on August 20. Crop, Soil and Water Field Night will take place from ...
