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  1. Training New Employees

    reach their potential. Training should help them feel like they are creating better opportunities for ...

  2. Faggian and Dotzel Secure Funding for New Research on Knowledge Management and Rural Firms

    target for information about new opportunities or new ways of doing things, as well as the integration of ...

  3. Amanda Weinstein Awarded the M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition Award at the 44th Annual Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Conference

    was given the opportunity to present the paper at the annual MCRSA conference in late May. ... opportunities for student recognition among professional associations. Weinstein’s research focuses on ...

  4. Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices

    currently troubled by poverty and hunger. Opportunities exist to expand food output by adding cropland in ... cropland offer the most attractive opportunities for farm output expansion at low cost to consumers and the ...

  5. Faggian and Dotzel Secure Funding for New Research on Knowledge Management and Rural Firms

    target for information about new opportunities or new ways of doing things, as well as the integration of ...

  6. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    About 80 percent of school districts in Ohio participate in some form of open enrollment program, with ... to put media reports and potential changes in policy into context, particularly when faced with ...

  7. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    Union on March 1. Thirteen recipients were joined by friends, family, and CFAES students, faculty and ... Business. Currently finance director of credit reporting and risk analysis at PNC Financial Services Group, ... where he oversaw financial reporting, analysis and strategic planning for PNC’s Institutional Asset ...

  8. The First 30 Days- Orienting New Employees

    You have only one opportunity to make a good first impression on new employees. The first day that ...

  9. Do All Types of Community Forest Management Projects Actually Protect Forests? Evidence from Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve

    in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve provide a unique opportunity to assess the influence of various ...

  10. 2012 Annual Grain Farmers Symposium- Roberts to Speak

    Ohio Grain Farmers Symposium. The symposium offers Ohio growers the opportunity to hear the latest ...
