
Search results

  1. Ohio State Crop Scientists Discover Gene That Controls Fruit Shape

    in Wooster. The discovery was reported, as the cover article, in the March 14 issue of the journal ...

  2. The Chances for Timely Planting Diminish

    are planted in the growing season. This ability offers farmers the opportunity to keep the hybrids ...

  3. Properly Manage Glyphosate for Best Weed Control

    addition of manganese fertilizers usually decreases glyphosate activity. The EDTA form of manganese causes ...

  4. Technology Offers Green Method to Tackle Top Disease of Cereal Crops

    for fungicide applications is a challenge, but also provides an excellent opportunity to use ...

  5. Federal Hearing First Stage in Future of Milk Revenues

    opportunity to vote on the new language. However, changing federal order language is not without peril. ...

  6. Wet Spring Ideal to Practice Controlled Traffic

    growers the opportunity to plant earlier." He said that the method works well during times of ...

  7. OSU Extension Survey Sheds Light on Green Industry Labor Force

    However, what opportunities are offered to the industry's labor force may vary from one business to ...

  8. Ohio Master Gardeners Teaching Green During MGV Week May 17-23

    Ike. Over winter, Security National Bank offered online banking customers the opportunity to make ...

  9. OSU Nursery Short Course/CENTS Highlights Ohio Green Industry

    December 3, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The rich tradition of green industry educational opportunities ...

  10. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    international programs. "'We need pledge forms,'" she told her fellow passengers, "and ...
