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  1. CFAES Technologies In Focus at Next Startup Snapshot Nov. 12

    a technology showcase and networking opportunity at the next Startup Snapshot, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at ...

  2. Buckeyes Converge on Battle Creek, Mi. for CFAES Alumni Reception

    opportunity to reconnect with alumni and friends of the university, learn college updates from Dr. Bruce A. ...

  3. Information on the Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Program

    section 103 and EPCRA section 304 hazardous substance reporting requirements arising from releases of ...

  4. NEWS: New Greenhouse Program Launched

    will help to solve a labor shortage and offer technically skilled individuals better opportunities in ... have internship opportunities available to them through commercial production greenhouses, institution ...

  5. NEWS- Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    but not limited to: adjusting student schedules; maintaining student files; processing academic forms ...

  6. Ohio Dairy Manager's Conference

    This will be a great opportunity to obtain information on current issues facing Ohio's dairy ...

  7. NEWS: Gage Smith Awarded Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad from the US Department of State

    academic credit are eligible to apply.  Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to gain a better ... adds an enriching social and cultural experience.  It also provides our students with the opportunity ...

  8. National Animal Identification System for Cattle

    the US for purposes of export or international trade ("regionalization"). Forms of Animal ... neutral. However, reading tags and reporting tag numbers is labor intensive. In addition, a system must be ... reported to the database, allowing exposure and movement of animals to be tracked. As animals are sold or ...

  9. Controlling Feed Cost: What to do when the protein market goes ballistic?

    of major nutrients in dairy diets. Results, as of early November 2003, are reported in Table 1. Unit ... opportunities. Currently, the following feed ingredients are priced well-below what they are worth (Tables 2 and ... composition is entered on a DM basis because this is the universal basis used by laboratories to report ...

  10. Milk Price Outlook

    increases this fall. The USDA reports that milk production across the U.S. continues strong for this time of ...
