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  1. Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality

    soil test measures plant-available P forms in soil solution, plus forms that easily solubilize into ...

  2. Purchasing Nutrients for Hay and Forage Crops

    refer to Selecting Forms of Nitrogen Fertilizer, Agronomy Fact Sheet 205. Using these steps to compare ... a particular yield goal. In addition, educational comments for particular crops are provided on the report ... form. What happens after you have taken a soil test and have the results? How do you determine the best ...

  3. Orange Rust of Brambles

    shortly after new growth appears in the spring (Figure 1). Newly formed shoots are weak and spindly and ... orange spores (aeciospores) form on newly emerging leaves. In new plantings, orange rust can come in on ... or buds, or the crown of new shoots being formed on healthy plants. Figure 2A. Orange rust symptoms ...

  4. Building Self-Esteem in Youth

    teachers, coaches, and 4-H leaders all contribute to how these pictures form in a child’s mind. As 4-H youth ... always monitoring how they “measure up.” Take opportunities to highlight a member’s “personal best”—it ... a “path to mastery.” Providing opportunities for members to serve on committees, community service ...

  5. Rusts of Apple

    fungal bodies (pycnia) form within the spots and may exude an orange fluid. In time, yellow spots develop ... the young fruit becomes a darker green around the infected area. The tube-like aecia may form on the ... crabapple. Larger, gray to brown spots form on leaves of hawthorn. Few aecia form on apple and crabapple. ...

  6. The Cannabis Market and Its Impact on Hemp

    developing new opportunities for producers, such as those outlined in the provisions included in the 2014 and ... opportunities for hemp producers. The Regulatory Environment Current state rules and regulations have created ... critical factors that are hindering business opportunities for hemp growers, it’s important to realize that ...

  7. Phytophthora Root Rot of Raspberry

    commonly on red raspberries. The disease has been reported to occur on blackberries in Kentucky. ... moist, reproductive structures (sporangia) are formed upon the infected tissue or by germinating resting ... zoospores are formed. These zoospores are expelled into the soil during periods when the soil is saturated ...

  8. Red Stele Root Rot of Strawberry

    some of the oospores germinate and form structures called sporangia, which are filled with the ... symptoms. New sporangia are formed along the outside of infected root issue and release additional zoospores ... following June bearing varieties are reported to be resistant to Red Stele: Allstar, Delite, Earliglow, ...

  9. Community Service

    Then compare the list you formed during the brainstorming session with the list of needs identified. ... Prioritize—You now have an opportunity to prioritize the list or lists you have compiled. This can be done in ... assisting in all tasks whether small or large. Make sure that the club news reporter is taking pictures and ...

  10. Understanding Dimensional Changes In Wood Products

    lignin to form the woody parts of a tree. The cells of a tree trunk are aligned nearly vertically, with ... and limbs, just under the bark. These new wood cells are formed throughout the growing season but not ... and thick-walled cells, called latewood, are formed during the summer. The alternating light ...
