
Search results

  1. 'It's a great way to get your feet wet if you're just starting out in the business'

    opportunity to develop a first-rate product."— Jim Kiourtsis, My Dadz Nutz Established in 1982, the ...

  2. Scientists Find Chemical that Causes 'Kidney' Failure in Mosquitoes

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center  (OARDC).  The discovery is reported in the article ...

  3. 'Our future depends on cultural intelligence'

    addition to attending the breakout sessions, participants had the opportunity to network and to view ...

  4. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    just this kind of rapid phosphate detection-- phosphate is the most common form of environmental ...

  5. AEDE Doctoral Student Interns at USDA’s Economic Research Service

    opportunity to apply knowledge I have gained during my graduate studies to a project that could ultimately ...

  6. Third annual Diversity Leadership Symposium set for February

    means creating opportunities and points of contact that are easily accessible and low or no cost; ...

  7. Dr. Mauricio Ramírez, 2006 AEDE Alumnus, Recognized for His Research in His Home Country of Mexico

    Sheldon, got the opportunity to catch up with a former student of his, Dr. Mauricio Ramírez, who is now ...

  8. An Analysis of Forestry Carbon Sequestration as a Response to Climate Change

    estimates in the literature accounting for opportunity costs and implementation and management costs suggest ...

  9. An Evaluation of the Broadband Business Connection Across the Urban Hierarchy

    decentralization opportunities are only possible in specific locations that are within reach of major metropolitan ...

  10. Down Time

    events. Ohio State has more than 36 varsity teams, so there’s always an opportunity to see Buckeye ...
