
Search results

  1. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Challenges to Resiliency and Sustainability

    wants to attend. Extreme weather comes in many forms including excessive heatwaves, prolonged droughts, ...

  2. 2015 OPRA Student Conference

    side parking lot at 6:30 AM and return about 7:45 PM.  Please consider this opportunity and email David ...

  3. OFWMA Webinar Series

    year-round opportunities for OFWMA members to learn about current issues related to fish and wildlife ... opportunities to ask questions.   The first presentation in the series is scheduled for August 15, 2013 at 10 ...

  4. Speakers to Focus on Water March 10; ‘Clean Rivers’ Live-Stream Is Feb. 24

    a report on how conservation practices can help cities protect their drinking water sources; and on the ...

  5. Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management Under Harsh Conditions: Ancient and Modern Lessons From Yemen This event forms part of the seminar series Hydropolitics: Water Scarcity and Security, organized ...

  6. Ohio State Hosts Welfare Contest

    methods and reasoning. Students are given the opportunity to weigh evidence and present sound evaluations. ...

  7. Former ENR Masters Student is New Executive Director of MORPC

    director in Janaury 2013. There will be several meetings and events where you will have an opportunity to ...

  8. Soil Science Minor

    processes under which they are formed. Since soil is the basic resource on which civilizations are built, ...

  9. ORWRP Outreach Acitivities Guidelines and Information

    on the registration form. The facilities are generally not available after 5 pm weekdays and on ...

  10. Undergraduate Research Represented at Annual Forum

    Forum provides a competitively judged opportunity for undergraduates to showcase their research projects ...
