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  1. Millin', Chillin', and Grillin' Returns to Farm Science Review

    the event will be held Sept. 17 and will give visitors the opportunity to relax in Utzinger Garden ...

  2. OSU Extension Workshop Demonstrates Drip Irrigation Management

    understanding of how drip irrigation can boost on-farm profits have the opportunity to attend an Ohio State ...

  3. Learn to Convert On-Farm Resources into Renewable Energy at Farm Science Review

    business, aquaculture opportunities, starting a managed grazing operation, using high tunnels, plasticulture ...

  4. Take Steps to Reduce Compaction Before Spring Planting

    "Farmers faced a late harvest and a wet fall, and with so much snow they haven't had the opportunity ...

  5. Western Bean Cutworm Monitored in Ohio Again This Year

    yields. Feeding damage can also create opportunities for disease development. "Indiana saw damage in ...

  6. Learn How Drip Irrigation Can Boost On-Farm Profits at July 15 Workshop

    a better understanding of how drip irrigation can boost on-farm profits have the opportunity to attend an ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Feb. 17

    managing manure nutrients and opportunities for new technologies, including anaerobic digestion. ... on-farm practices for managing manure nutrients and opportunities for new technologies, including ... Ave., Wooster. Features latest on-farm practices for managing manure nutrients and opportunities for new ...

  8. Stressed Crops Tapping Hidden Soil Moisture, But Rain Still Needed

    corn develops and begins to form ears, drought conditions will have more of an impact on the plant. ...

  9. OARDC Researchers Conduct First Genetic Study of Bedbugs, Find Possible Pesticide-Resistance Genes

    the United States has led to a public health scare. The discovery was reported Jan. 19 in the online ...

  10. Cuyahoga County: Home on the Farm

    training opportunities for their clients within an open, accepting community. In addition, this fall, BEAN ...
