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Search results

  1. Clover Connections- September 4-H Newsletter

    Included in this month's newsletter is:  Friend of 4-H nomination Outstanding 4-H nominations Club Audit reminder Jr Fairboard and Camp Counselor application links Plus lots more! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE NEWSLETTER ...

  2. Community Health Needs Assessment

    Mercy Health Toledo Area Hospitals are cunducting a short survey to understand health needs in the community. Share your thoughts on community health needs and how we can make our community a healthier place to live!  Flyer with QR Code to Survey ...

  3. Carcass Checks Now Available

    Carcass checks are now available. Must show fair photo ID to pick up checks. Extended hours until 6 pm on September 10, 11, 12, and 18th. The livestock auction checks are not yet avilable only the carcass checks. Market chickens do not recieve a carcass c ...

  4. Office Closed


  5. Office Closed in AM


  6. Thank You List from Livestock Auction

    UPDATED 9/4/2024- Corrections and additional buyers.  Our buyers really appreciate and look forward to your thank you cards and gifts. We require that you send a thank you card to each of your buyers on the list before you can receive your auction check. ...

  7. Fall Coloring Contest

    The fall Coloring Contest is for anyone age 5-12 years old. Entries can be picked up and dropped off and will be displayed at the following locations through the deadline: Seneca County OSU Extension Office- 3140 S. St. Rt. 100, Suite E. Tiffin, OH 44883 ...

  8. DUNF Drug Use Notification Form Link

    DUNF surveys must be completed before you are allowed to show Market Animals at the Allen Co Fair. You must know the ID tag before you can fill out the survey. Hog exhibitors must wait until when they weigh in to complete the form. Fill out one survey for ...

  9. Beef Quality Assurance

    The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wh ...

  10. Join Master Gardeners Information

    Thank you for your interest in joining the Seneca County Master Gardener Volunteers. The 2025 intern class will be held in a hybrid format- the coursework will be online, and the labs will be in-person and hands-on. Completing the course work (approximate ...
