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Academic Dismissal
Any student in academic difficulty is at risk of being dismissed from the university. There is no particular cumulative GPA or number of deficiency points that warrants a dismissal. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and given serious though ...
Academic Warning
You may be placed on academic warning when you have initially accumulated between.1 and 14.9 deficiency points and have not been placed on special-action probation. We strongly recommend that you consult with an academic advisor about possible strategies ...
Meet with Your Advisor
Our college provides you with several advisors to help you plan your degree and resolve academic issues. Your Faculty Advisor teaches classes in your major Your Coordinating Advisor serves as a backup to your faculty advisor. Click here to see a list of C ...
Dean's List
Students completing a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a GPA of 3.5 or higher for any given term will be named to the Dean's List for that term in the college in which they are enrolled. Courses graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) or pass/ ...
More Information
SOAR: Resource Binder Beyond the Classroom Doing Business Buckeye Style Policies: Code of Student Conduct Directories, Glossary, Calendar, Maps ...
It's almost tomorrow, get ready. ...
Land Laboratory
Ohio State ATI's 143-acre land laboratory consists of a classroom in the field and numerous educational, agronomic experiments, and demonstrations. The farm encompasses 815 tillable acres, 350 acres of pasture, and the balance in woodlands, facilitie ...
Central Campus
Facilities on ATI's central campus include: Halterman Hall Halterman Hall houses classrooms and science laboratories, a computer lab, the library, administrative offices, the Floral Shoppe and floral design laboratory & prep room, a plant ID lab, ...
Related Programs
If you are interested in Power Equipment, you may also want to explore Hydraulic Power & Motion Control. Many students combine these two programs as a double major. If you are interested in earning a bachelors' degree, you may want to explore the ...