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Search results

  1. Rapid Transition from El Nino to La Nina Continues

    The trend this spring has been on the warmer and wetter side except for a drier period in the last 30 days in parts of the state. The images below show departures from normal over the region the last 30, 60 and 90 days at 4 km resolution.   After a very w ...

  2. Rainy day entertainment – get up to speed on pigweed ID

    When you finish every possible indoor task during this rainy spell, take a few minutes and check out our latest video on pigweed identification.  The video compares four aspects of pigweed biology that we use to differentiate between redroot pigweed, wate ...

  3. 2016-11


  4. 4-H Project Help Night

    Junior Fair Board will be on hand to help youth in ANY project whether it be understanding what is being asked or assistance in filling out project record books. Thursday, May 19, 2016- 7:00pm to 8:00pm Baker Building- Harvest Ridge Fairgrounds   Question ...

  5. Fair Wrap-up Meeting- Livestock Committees

    Fair Wrap-up meeting Sale Committee meets at 6:30pm All other committees begin at 7:30pm ...

  6. 4-H Home Economics Day Camp

    For full details along with a registration form, please click here. ...

  7. 2016-10


  8. 2016-09


  9. Freezing and Canning Workshop

    Gardeners and other lovers of fresh produce are often interested in extending the season's bounty by learning more about home-preserving fruits and vegetables. Now they can, by attending a "Freezing and Canning Workshop" presented by Ohio S ...

  10. Jr. Leadership Club Meeting

