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  1. Ohio Agronomy Guide 15th Edition, Bulletin 472

    Ohio Agronomy Guide 15th Edition, Bulletin 472. The newly revised Ohio Agronomy Guide serves as the official compilation of adaptive results and recommendations from research and educational programs. Described in this manual is information on Ohio's ...

  2. Beef Facility

    Ohio State ATI's beef cattle handling facility is the only one of its kind in Ohio. Designed by renowned animal behaviorist Temple Grandin, the facility provides students with the opportunity to learn animal handling methods that are both humane and ...

  3. Meet the New Parker Dairy Chair

    Rafael Jimenez-Flores enthusiastically shares his passion for teaching and researching dairy with Buckeyes. ...

  4. Plagiarism Help

    Instructors should do their best to prevent plagiarism, but they must report violations when they occur. Preventing Plagiarism The Committee on Academic Misconduct has many tips to help instructors prevent academic misconduct, including plagiarism. Instru ...

  5. Ohio Legislature Passes Agritourism Legislation

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  6. Shawna Rene Jackson

    Shawna Rene Jackson, 25, of Burbank, died Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016, at Cleveland Clinic following a strong and courageous battle with cancer that she fought for the past four months. Shawna was born Feb. 5, 1991, in Medina to Harold and Denise (Dodge) Thomps ...

  7. Grain Marketing: Turning On-Farm Storage into Profit

    With corn and soybean prices trading at values near or below breakeven points, it’s important to develop a marketing plan that allows farmers the ability to try and capture potential profits while minimizing risk. OSU Extension is offering three meetings ...

  8. 2016 Ohio Soybean Performance Trial- Yield Data Available

    The 2016 Ohio Soybean Performance Trial yield data is now available online as a pdf: Sortable yield data and seed characteristics (seed size, protein, fiber, and oil) will be available in appro ...

  9. Developing a Strategy for Precision Soil Sampling

    There are many different tools and approaches available that, if used correctly, can help to improve your nutrient management (variable rate application, precision placement, crop sensing via NDVI, late-season application, nutrient BMPs, etc). However, se ...

  10. The Certified Crop Adviser

    Become a CCA The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) and Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) programs of the American Society of Agronomy are the benchmarks of professionalism. The CCA certification was established in 1992 to provide a benchmark for practic ...
