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  1. September 2016


  2. We Exceeded Our Campaign Goal!

    As we celebrate the end of the $2.5 billion  But for Ohio State  campaign, take note that the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences exceeded its campaign goal of $150 million. We have you to thank for it! ...

  3. We Exceeded Our Goal, Thanks to You!

    Because of your support, the college exceeded its $150 million goal in the But For Ohio State campaign. Your generosity helps scholarships, research and community outreach. Please watch this video, which expresses our appreciation. ...

  4. Diplodia Ear Rot

    Over the last two weeks, we have received several samples of corn ears with symptoms typical of Diplodia ear rot. This is one of the most common ear diseases of corn in Ohio. It is caused by two species of fungi, Stenocarpella maydis and Stenocarpella mac ...

  5. Farm Science Review 2016: Last Minute Reminders

    Harvest has started in some areas of Ohio. At the Farm Science Review we have some of the crop off to allow demonstrations to begin. Field demonstrations will include soybean and corn harvest, of course; plus drones/UAVs, soil sampling, planters, precisio ...

  6. Considering Growing Wheat in Wide Rows?

    Growers may be interested in wide-row wheat production due to reductions in equipment inventory (lack of grain drill) and to allow intercropping of soybean into wheat. With funding from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program and the Michigan Wheat Progra ...

  7. Moldy Corn, Kernel Sprouting and Upright Ears

    Moldy ear and kernel sprouting problems have been reported in parts of Ohio especially west central and NW Ohio. The title photo by Sam Custer, Extension Educator in Darke County and the photo below by Dr. Pierce Paul is a good illustration of what is bei ...

  8. 2016-30


  9. Liabilities & Security Safeguards

    In today’s world, many of us have electronic data stored on multiple devices and in various locations.  Whether that’s banking information, medical information, or in the case of farmers, agricultural data, this data is entrusted to a service provider or ...

  10. 2016-29

