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Search results

  1. Terry Lanker receives national award

    Terry Lanker was recently named recipient of the 2015 NACTA John Deere Award. This award recognizes one faculty member each year for his or her work in preparing students for employment in the areas of management, sales, service, processing and /or produc ...

  2. USDA-ARS Scientist Meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Monday, September 14, 2015- 10:00am to 12:00pm ...

  3. GSO Luncheon

    219 From: Miller, Kayla M. [] Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 4:36 PM To: Fowler, James E. (Jim) < > Subject: Reserving Room 219 GSO would like to reserve Room 219 from 12:30 to 1:30 on Tuesday ...

  4. Dee Jepsen/Ag Safety

    202 Wednesday, August 19, 2015- 1:00pm to 4:00pm ...

  5. IAC Executive Committee Mtg

    219 Friday, August 28, 2015- 8:00am to 11:00am ...

  6. J. Martin

    219 Friday, October 9, 2015- 8:30am to 12:00pm ...

  7. K. Mann

    202 Wednesday, August 19, 2015- 11:00am to 12:00pm ...

  8. Jay Martin, FABE Professor, discusses harmful algae blooms with the Dispatch

    Dr. Jay Martin is part of a team of scientists studying the western part of Lake Erie and the Maumee River, from which the most amount of phosphorus floods into the lake. Data indicate that the lake could experience an 85 percent increase in blooms that s ...

  9. Congratulations to Lauren Slutzky!

    Congratulations to Lauren Slutzky for winning first place in the poster competition at the Case Western for the Polymer Initiative of Northeast Ohio (PINO) Conference! The poster competition was among 77 Post-Doctoral and Graduate Students, from 25 univer ...

  10. S. Shearer

    219 Repeats every week 3 times. Friday, September 18, 2015- 11:00am to 12:00pm Friday, September 25, 2015- 11:00am to 12:00pm Friday, October 2, 2015- 11:00am to 12:00pm ...
