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  1. New Pesticide Applicator Training- May 23, 2018

    This training program provides an overview of pesticide safety information. Everyone attending the morning session will receive documentation that they have met the requirements of  Trained Serviceperson  training. The afternoon sessions will review Agric ...

  2. Chow Line: Why it’s important to eat breakfast

    I rarely eat breakfast. Can you explain why it’s so important? I’m always looking for ways to try to lose weight, and it seems like a good idea to not eat when I’m not hungry, which is typically in the morning. ...

  3. Space Gardening? Ohio State Creates Food-production System for Future NASA Missions

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- Say you are on Mars and fancy a salad. Unless the Curiosity rover can make an unexpected find of fresh romaine somewhere on the dusty Red Planet, you are looking at a nine-month trip to the nearest produce aisle on Earth. A better option? ...

  4. Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- The 6,000-square-foot pilot plant in Wooster makes gloves and a variety of other latex and rubber products. This is nothing new in a town and region historically known for rubber manufacturing. What's different about the facility is t ...

  5. Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs

    Private pesticide applicators with a license to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides are required to attend 3 hours of recertification training every 3 years to maintain their license.  Private applicator license categories are: Core (basic pestic ...

  6. $1.5 Million in Scholarships Available to CFAES Students

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences offers students $1.5 million in scholarships. Conservation ...

  7. Commercial Wine Production and Grape Growers Workshop Is Nov. 15 in Southern Ohio

    PIKETON, Ohio – Wine grape growers, commercial wine operators, and those interested in becoming either one can learn the practical and essential skills needed to be successful in the industry at a workshop held by Ohio State University horticulture, vitic ...

  8. Study Provides Insight on Residents of Rural Food Deserts

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- "Food deserts" are normally thought of as low-income, blighted urban neighborhoods with little access to fresh, reasonably priced fruits and vegetables. An Ohio State University Extension community development specialist worked w ...

  9. Chow Line: Whole grains turn up in surprising places

    A group of us were watching a football game last week, and someone claimed that the tortilla chips we were eating counted as a “whole-grain” food. I find that hard to believe. Is that right? ...

  10. Unbeatable Students Create UnBeetable Burger

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Apparently, it's hard to beat a burger made of beets. On Oct. 1, the "UnBeetable Burger" with a soft gourmet pretzel bun won the Student Product Development Competition of AACC International, a professional association spec ...
