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Search results

  1. CPR & First Aid Training Session I

    This is the first of two training sessions for 2015 Camp Counselors. ...

  2. Sheep Weigh in and Tagging

    Please note that this is a change from the date originally published in the 2015 4-H Calendar! Also, Hancock Co. Jr Fair exhibitors should note that all sheep (including wethers) are required to have a scrapie tag from the farm or origin. ...

  3. How The Nature Conservancy's In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program is Working to Raise the Bar

    This presentation will provide details regarding TNC’s ILF program and discuss ways in which the water resource community can be involved   The Clean Water Act operates on a principle of “no net loss” to our nation’s streams and wetlands. This requires th ...

  4. 4-H Public Speaking Clinic

    This clinic is intended to support all public speaking activities available to 4-H members and provide them with valuable information about the following competitions: Demonstration Contest (individual and/or team) Job Interview Contest (individual) Ohio ...

  5. Past Events


  6. Helpful Links

    Useful to Usable An online tool enabling farmers and agricultural advisers to better assess how climate patterns in other parts of the world can influence local conditions and corn yields across the Corn Belt.           ...

  7. Wear BLUE Day

    April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Hancock County Children's Services is taking a new spin on how to bring awareness to the community. They've challenged all their community partners to participate in their wear blue challenge and April 8 ...

  8. Camp Counselor Meeting


  9. Camp Counselor Meeting


  10. MGVs Host Phone Club

    Listen to WFIN 1330 AM on the radio as Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteers Ruth Furiate and Pat Flinn field questions from listeners. ...
