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  1. Practicum and Internships

    Practicum and Internship are required courses in many associate degree programs. You must have at least a 2.0 cumulative point-hour ratio to go on Internship. Practicum and Internship enables students to develop skills and gain experience. Students must r ...

  2. Fact Sheets

    Agricutlural Business / Food Business Agricultural Commerce / Agricultural Business Agronomy / Crop Agricultural Communication / Agriscience Education Agricultural Systems Management Biochenmical Sciences Biotechnoology Community Leadership Construction M ...

  3. ATI Meat Sales

    At various times throughout the year, ATI's animal production programs have freezer and retail cuts of beef and pork for sale. To be placed on a notification list, please send us an e-mail with ATI Meat Sales in the subject line. We will contact you ...

  4. OSU Extension Supports Local Foods

    Ohio State University Extension supports local food system development and sustainable agriculture. ...

  5. Holiday Greetings from the College


  6. Report

    2012 Total records: 7007 Total hours (volunteer and advanced training): 27,658.6 Total volunteer records: 5527 Total volunteer hours: 21,128.3 Total advanced training records: 1,480 Total advanced training hours:  6,530.3 Total volunteers reporting: 358 T ...

  7. 4-Hers Conquer Eco-Bot Challenge

    Young people across the United States participated in the Eco-Bot challenge, a simulated toxic spill. The national project was developed by Ohio State University Extension, an arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. ...

  8. News


  9. History

    The Ohio State University and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences got its start in 1870, when the Ohio General Assembly established the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College. The new college was made possible through the provi ...

  10. CFAES Student Dreams Big

    Darcy is a senior from Portage, Indiana, majoring in Animal Sciences. She believes "Some dreams keep on getting better, gotta keep believing if you wanna know for sure." Hopefully, her dreams will just keep getting bigger and better after gradua ...
