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Ohio EPA Awards Nearly $200,000 for Sustainability Efforts on OSU Farm/Research Facility
July 7, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – A working farm just west of The Ohio State University campus and nestled in the heart of metro Columbus is being transformed into a learning laboratory of best management practices for water quality protection and whole farm ...
Nursery Production Technique Becoming a Growing Trend
January 23, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- A relatively new landscape and nursery stock production technique that combines conventional field and container practices is finding a successful niche in the industry. Pot-in-pot (PIP), the technique of growing container ...
Now's the Time to Sample for Soybean Cyst Nematode
October 12, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – Harvesting corn and soybeans may be the only thing on the minds of Ohio growers at the moment, but they shouldn't overlook the importance of soil testing for soybean cyst nematode. Soil sampling in the fall is the f ...
Now's the Time for Fall Herbicide Treatments
October 12, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Now that Ohio has experienced its first frost of the season, growers should be conducting fall herbicide treatments in preparation for spring planting. Jeff Stachler, an Ohio State University Extension weed specialist, ...
No Economic Damage on Ohio Corn Despite Increasing Numbers of Western Bean Cutworm
November 16, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – A staggering number of Western bean cutworm moths were trapped in Ohio corn fields this year compared to previous years, however, economic damage has yet to be recorded. "The large increase of adult moths caught an ...
New Tests Added to Corn Performance Trials
December 21, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The scope of this year's Ohio State University Ohio Corn Performance Trials has been broadened to accommodate increasing interest in other production practices. The test not only faithfully provides growers grain ...
Central Campus
Facilities on ATI's central campus include: Halterman Hall Halterman Hall houses classrooms and science laboratories, a computer lab, the library, administrative offices, the Floral Shoppe and floral design laboratory & prep room, a plant ID lab, ...
New Root Rot-Resistant Soybean Gene Discovered
July 8, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- A new soybean gene, showing resistance to Phytophthora root rot, has been identified- the first time in nearly 20 years a gene exhibiting effectiveness against the disease has been discovered. Ohio State University plant pathol ...
New Pest Found in Ohio Soybeans
September 15, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio – A new pest has been identified in Ohio soybeans, but whether or not its presence will be a problem remains to be seen. Ron Hammond, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research an ...
Ohio 4-H Engineering Team Places at National Contest
October 2, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – A team of 10 Ohio 4-H members earned individual honors at the 60th Annual National 4-H Engineering Challenge recently held in West Lafayette, Ind., for projects emphasizing engineering, science and technology. Sixty 4-H ...