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  1. Chow Line: Sodium can turn up in surprising places (for 12/13/09)

    December 4, 2009 I noticed that the canned chickpeas I buy to use in my salads say "brine" on the ingredients listing. Would this type have more salt than other varieties? Also, my husband likes pickles with his lunch. Do they contain too much s ...

  2. Chow Line: Seeded or seedless, watermelon a treat

    August 2, 2007 Are seedless watermelons less sweet than seeded varieties? Actually, the opposite is usually true: Because seedless types do not expend energy to produce seeds, the flesh is often sweeter than what you find in normal varieties. Other factor ...

  3. Chow Line: Scientists examining risks of raw produce (for 6/29/08)

    June 20, 2008 It seems like there have been more food safety problems with fresh produce in recent years. How do fruits and vegetables become contaminated? That's a question researchers nationwide are investigating with vigor. It's true that fru ...

  4. Chow Line: Sanitize countertops and cutting boards (for 5/21/09)

    May 22, 2009 Should I use a sanitizer to clean counter tops and cutting boards, or does hot water and soap do the job? Although a soap and hot water combination cleans reasonably well, it may not eliminate all bacteria. Using some type of sanitizer is rec ...

  5. Chow Line: Recalled or not, handle eggs safely (for 9/5/10)

    August 27, 2010 I'm curious about how the inside of eggs could become contaminated with bacteria. Is this something new? "New" depends on your perspective. It was in the 1980s that scientists and public health officials first recognized tha ...

  6. Chow Line: Quick breakfasts can be healthful (for 4/11/10)

    April 1, 2010 I know they say breakfast is "the most important meal of the day," but I usually just don't have time. Am I doing myself in by not eating breakfast? Most nutrition experts wouldn't put it in quite those terms, but overall ...

  7. Chow Line: Portion control can help with diabetes (for week of 2/8/09)

    January 29, 2009 My wife was just diagnosed with diabetes. I do most of the cooking at our house-- what can I do differently in the kitchen to help? Diabetes is a serious condition, but it can be controlled with diet, exercise and medication. Many books h ...

  8. Chow Line: Pork and swine flu: the rest of the story (for 5/10/09)

    April 29, 2009 I keep hearing that even though swine flu is spreading, pork is safe to eat as long as it is cooked properly. What does that mean? What you are hearing is exactly correct. But the way these kinds of messages are worded can be confusing. It ...

  9. Chow Line: Play it safe with hard-cooked eggs (for 4/8/07)

    March 30, 2007 How long can you keep hard-boiled eggs? You can generally count on hard-boiled eggs to last a week in the refrigerator. Even with its natural (but easily cracked) calcium-carbonate container, a hard-cooked egg is a perishable food, so it sh ...

  10. Chow Line: Phytochemicals help plants, humans (for 11/4/01)

    October 16, 2000 I keep hearing good things about "phytochemicals." What are they, exactly? To get to the very basics, phytochemicals are simply chemicals from plants. In fact, phyto is from the Greek word phyton, which means "plant." ...
