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Store Now, Sell Later for the Best Grain Profits
November 9, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Stockpiling rather than selling appears to be the growing trend for grain producers looking to get the best deal from their corn crop. Matt Roberts, an Ohio State University Extension agricultural economist, said that s ...
Stick to Recommended Practices When Planting Corn
April 4, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- With corn planting fast approaching, Ohio State University Extension agronomists hope Ohio growers keep in mind the trials and tribulations experienced last season when establishing their crop. Peter Thomison, associate pr ...
Stewart's Wilt Predicted Low Risk
March 17, 2005 WOOSTER, Ohio — Stewart's bacterial leaf blight, a common corn disease found in Ohio, is predicted to be of low risk for most of the state this growing season. Pat Lipps, an Ohio State University research plant pathologist with the O ...
Stewart's Bacterial Leaf Blight Predicted Severe This Year
April 2, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- Stewart's bacterial leaf blight, a corn disease that can cause significant yield losses in susceptible hybrids, could be severe this growing season. Ohio State University plant pathologist Pat Lipps said the disease, also ...
Tax Workshops Focus on Law Issues/Changes
October 26, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tax season is fast approaching and individuals who prepare and file tax returns for individuals, small business and farmers have the opportunity to attend several Ohio State University Extension-sponsored tax preparation ...
Take Steps For Crop Success During Soybean Planting
April 11, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Properly preparing and planting a crop is critical to plants overcoming pests and diseases and producing profitable yields. As growers prepare their soybean crop, they are encouraged to follow several steps to ensure a sea ...
Take an IPM Approach to Preventing Wheat Disease
February 11, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio-- As spring approaches, along with the subsequent "green-up" of Ohio's wheat crop, growers are looking to prevent the development and spread of barley yellow dwarf virus. The virus, which is transmitted by ...
Survey Explores Farmers' Use of Precision Agriculture Technology
February 24, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio farmers have rapidly adopted precision agriculture technology, with about 50 percent of them incorporating at least one component in their production system. But how satisfied are they with the equipment and the res ...
Success With New Commodities Promising for Ohio Farmers
August 21, 2001 PIKETON, Ohio- Several specialty crops being studied by Ohio State University researchers may prove to be promising new commodities for Ohio farmers. Specialty types of sweet potato, Asian eggplant and bitter melon are the focus of horticu ...
Stressed Crops Tapping Hidden Soil Moisture, But Rain Still Needed
June 26, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Despite some recent showers, drought-like conditions continue across Ohio and field crops are beginning to exhibit signs of stress. At the moment, however, enough soil moisture is still available for the crops to get by. A ...