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  1. 4-H Volunteer Banquet

    What an amazing year we have had! I know with the fair just behind us many of you are  trying to catch up!  We would like to say “thank you” for all of the hard work that you have put into our organization and our 4-H’ers! Volunteers are the backbone of 4 ...

  2. Labor Day- Office Closed


  3. Beginner's Beekeeping Course

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? Over the course of the four weeks, learn from experienced beekeepers what you need to know about starting your own beekeeping business venture. See flyer for ful ...

  4. Miami County Local Food Summit

    Cost: FREE (includes special local lunch provided by the Miami County Foundation).  ABOUT: Across the nation, local foods have emerged as a growing business sector. This summit will bring together agricultural people and industries, public policymakers, p ...

  5. Hardin County Homemakers' Christmas Program


  6. Late Livestock Judging

    By Appointment Only ...

  7. Rabbit Meat Pen Tattooing

    Required to show meat pens at the fair. ...

  8. Livestock Quality Assurance


  9. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Field Training

    Fulfills certification requirements This field day will fulfill the three-hour requirement for applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator certification and do NOT currently have a pesticide applicator license. Those applicators who have a ...

  10. Hardin County Fair

