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  1. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)


  2. Dairy Study Abroad Info Sessions

    There are two upcoming information sessions for the dairy study aborad trip to the Netherlands and Belgium! The first info session is  Monday the 21st from 3-4 in Animal Science 202. The second is a zoom session on November 14th at 3:30. The trip itself i ...

  3. November 11th, 2023

    Welcome to Week 13!  ...

  4. Meet the Teams Night!

    On October 25th from 4-5 pm, you can learn about the judging team opportunities in the department and how they can help improve your critical thinking and communication skills! It will be in the Animal Science Arena! We hope to see you there!@ ...

  5. Fertilizer and Manure Regulations in the Lake Erie Western Basin Watershed


  6. ASAS Science Policy Internship

    The American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) has an opportunity for a Science Policy Internship! See attached for more details.  ...

  7. CFAES Distinguished Senior Award

    If you’re planning to graduate in the Spring 2025, Summer 2025, or Autumn 2025 semester, and you’d like to be considered for the 2025 CFAES Distinguished Senior Award,  applications (attached) are due to Dr. Alvaro Garcia Guerra via email by Friday, Novem ...

  8. Become a Student Ambassador!

    Interested in representing CFAES and recruiting new Buckeyes? Apply to be a student ambassador! See attached for information session details and the application! ...

  9. Kennel Tech Opportunity

    The Vet Clinic in Worthington has a kennel technician position open! They are looking for a kennel technician for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Primary responsibilities include cleaning the clinic and assisting with the care of any hospitalized or boa ...

  10. Pesticide Use in Schools

