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Planting Pathways Initiative
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Core Private Applicator Workbook (PDF)
This Ohio Pesticide Applicator Study Guide—Core Student Workbook is an optional supplemental study guide to the required Applying Pesticides Correctly (Core Manual) bundle for private pesticide applications. To learn more, visit and agri.oh ...
Commercial Core Manual Bundle
Applying Pesticides Correctly (Core manual) is designed to teach and encourage all areas of proper pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not a category. All prospective commercial and private licen ...
Commercial Core Manual Bundle (PDF)
Applying Pesticides Correctly (Core manual) is designed to teach and encourage all areas of proper pesticide use and includes a sample test is also provided in the back of every chapter. Core is not a category. All prospective commercial and private licen ...
Category P-1: Field Crops Workbook
Ohio Pesticide Applicator Training: Field Crops Student Workbook This workbook is intended to assist pesticide applicators preparing for the Private Category 1 exam required for certification in field crop categories. For further information on Private Pe ...
Category P-1: Field Crops Workbook (PDF)
Ohio Pesticide Applicator Training: Field Crops Student Workbook This workbook is intended to assist pesticide applicators preparing for the Private Category 1 exam required for certification in field crop categories. For further information on Private Pe ...
Core Private Applicator Workbook
This Ohio Pesticide Applicator Study Guide—Core Student Workbook is an optional supplemental study guide to the required Applying Pesticides Correctly (Core Manual) bundle for private pesticide applications. To learn more, visit and agri.oh ...
Urban October
Engaging Youth to Create a Better Urban Future OSU Extension has joined the global community to celebrate Urban October. Urban October was created by UN Habitat as an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportu ...
Coshocton County Agriculture & Natural Resources Newsletter
The Coshocton County Agriculture & Natural Resources Newsletter is a free e-newsletter published by Brett Kinzel, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator Are you interested in receiving the newsletter to your email? Sign up today! Click the link ab ...
Agriculture Career Cards
Agriculture Career Cards Primarily for use with Real Money, Real World, these cards describe 50 jobs that were identified by 17 different universities and prioritized by a team of agriculture professionals in Ohio. The collection represents a wide variety ...