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Search results

  1. Farmers Have Stake In Producing Quality Beef for Market

    With the continued decline in the size of the US beef herd, and greater adoption of beef-on-dairy from the dairy sector, more of your product is making its way onto the retail shelf as a product other than ground beef ...

  2. Growing Indoors: Hydroponics

    This workshop will provide information and how-tos for growing greens, herbs, and other crops in hydroponic systems. The course is geared towards those interested in having fresh food accessible all year round, right inside their house. Each registrant wi ...

  3. Assisting Distressed Individuals TOMORROW

    Gain information and resources so you can be better prepared to assist distressed individuals. ...

  4. Wayne County Fair Livestock Auctions, Add-Ons Bring In About $1.78M

    Wayne County is blessed with the businesses and individual families that come out and support our youth livestock and dairy exhibitors ...

  5. English Placement

    The purpose of this English placement test is to help us determine which of the three English courses at Ohio State ATI is the best fit for your abilities.   These courses are: English 1110.01, a 3-credit first year writing course. English 1110.03, a 3-cr ...

  6. Dr. Devin Peterson

    Dr. Devin Peterson Professor Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences 614-688-2723 317 Parker Food Science Building 2015 Fyffe Road food flavor, foo ...

  7. Disability Services

      Register with Disability Services Disability Services... Creating Access Together. From orientation to commencement, we work with the campus community to create accessible learning environments. Disability Services collaborates with students who have di ...

  8. Dr. Christopher Simons

    Dr. Christopher Simons Associate Professor 614-688-1489 315 Parker Food Science and Technology Building sensory science, chemical senses, food intake, consumer behavior Dr. Christopher Simons earned his under ...

  9. For ODS Registered Students

    You must be registered with Disability Services in order to request accommodations.   Log in to the  AIM Student Portal, sign your e-agreements, and (if applicable) generate letters for each of your classes. For assistance with using AIM, please review ou ...

  10. Register with Disability Services

    Students register with ODS to be approved for accommodations. ODS registration is confidential and does not appear on student transcripts. Medical documentation and information are kept private and separate from educational records. We offer various types ...
