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  1. Dairy Program Updates

    Ms. Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Program Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University One might think that 4-H winds down during the winter months, when in fact the homework is in place for all that will follow when spring arrives.  Many da ...

  2. 2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference

    Dr. Mark Sulc, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 3, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Depar ...

  3. Ohio Certified Volunteeer Naturalists (OCVN) Program- Owls

    Owls Join us to learn about these amazing animals! You’ll get an up close look at mounted owls and learn their calls. Two local experts will join us to explore the world of owls. Jeff Harvey, Audubon Society Jim Kerr, Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Cente ...

  4. Bed Bug Workshop

    The workshop will cover some myths about bed bugs, identification, protecting yourself, and various treatment options depending on the budget.   Dr. Jones will address how to handle infestations, clients, and what you can do to protect yourself and your h ...

  5. Level 2 Food Safety Exam

    The Ohio Department of Health is now requiring all Food Service facilities licensed at a Risk Level 2 or higher to have at least one staff member who has completed an ODH-approved Level 2 Food Safety training. The deadline to meet this requirement is Marc ...

  6. Fruit and Ornamental Tree Pruning Short Course

    This pruning short course will provide participants with knowledge of the importance of pruning, live demonstrations, and selecting the proper tools. Event will be held on local farm and orchard in Bethel Township. Address will be given to participants up ...

  7. Level 2 Food Safety Exam- EXAM DATE IS FULL

    The Ohio Department of Health is now requiring all Food Service facilities licensed at a Risk Level 2 or higher to have at least one staff member who has completed an ODH-approved Level 2 Food Safety training. The deadline to meet this requirement is Marc ...

  8. Open House- Master Gardener Volunteer Program

    Master Gardener Volunteer Program Join us for some social time to talk about the program, enjoy refreshments and fellowship with current volunteers. We’ll share details about our upcoming training and help you with any questions about joining. Classes sta ...

  9. MG Coffee Series- Succulents

    Growing and Caring for Succulents Learn the details about succulents and how to grow the best ones possible! Each person will receive a small succulent plant!   SPEAKER: Carol Knock, Trumbull County Master Gardener Volunteer Flyer and Registration HERE   ...

  10. Free Nutrient Management Plan Development Program

    The Ohio State University Extension has four Nutrient Management Plan Writers working to assist farmers in developing free Nutrient Management Plans in the Western Lake Erie Basin of Ohio.  Plans provide both fertility recommendations and an environmental ...
