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  1. OSF Jr. Horse Show Qualifying Packet

    For those members who qualified at a county PAS Show to participate in the Ohio State Fair Jr. Horse Show, this page includes the forms you would have previously received in your State Fair Qualifying Packet at the Miami County PAS Show.  Miami County you ...

  2. MGV Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Interested in writing articles for the Vindicator or other Extension events?  If so, or if you’ve written in the past, join us to learn about different writing techniques and all the writing “Dos” and “Don’ts”.  Th ...

  3. State Fair Project Pick-up and Fair Set-up, Club Banner & Silent Basket Drop Off


  4. Estate Planning This multi-step series explores the different areas to consider during basic estate planning. These fact sheets should in no manner be considered as a replacement for consulting with estate planning profe ...

  5. Due: Greene County Ag. Society Scholarships


  6. Rabbit Registration


  7. Skillathon Preview Day


  8. Pre-Fair Small Animal Judging


  9. Quality Assurance Makeup Day

    This is the final opportunity to complete the QA requirement in Greene County in time for Fair.  IMPORTANT:  There is a $10 charge, per person, to attend this training.  You will need to pay when you sign in, cash or checks made payable to OSU Extension. ...

  10. Mental Health First Aid

    Interested in taking a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training? Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2018- Time: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM Cost: $10.00 per person (includes workbook and lunch) Where: OSU, Greene County Extension Office, 100 Fairground Road, Xenia To register pl ...
