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Nutrition of Jersey Cows- Little Holstein Cows or a Breed Apart?,
Dr. Chris Reynolds, Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio State University The Jersey breed has a passionate following, and there is ample evidence that this is justified. Surveys and research have indicated that when compared with Holstein cows, Jersey cow ...
Monitoring MUN in Dairy Cows- Ohio Data
Milk urea nitrogen (MUN) is related to dietary protein intake, as well as protein-energy ratio in the dairy cow's diet. The normal/target values for MUN are within the range from 10 to 15 mg/dl. High values typically indicate inefficient protein util ...
Environmental Rules for Animal Agriculture- Who Are You Going to Call?
Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University There was a cartoon a few years ago, the "Ghostbusters". The central focus was that evil ghosts prowled upon people and capturing the ghosts required the special skills of the " ...
Milk Production Growth Slows- What's Up for Milk Prices?
As we pass the midpoint of the 2003 calendar year, it is time to take stock of where we are milk price-wise and where we are likely to go in the next 17 months. In this column, I will review the August 2003 USDA Milk Production Report, look at the relatio ...
Cost of Nutrients in Feedstuffs
Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University The good news is that milk prices will show a substantial recovery this Fall. For how long is anybody's guess at this time. The bad news is that feed prices are high in historical terms a ...
Getting the Last Cutting of Alfalfa
Dr. Mark Sulc, Forage Specialist, Ohio State University Early September is ideal for taking that last yearly cutting of alfalfa. The timing of this last cutting can be very important to the long-term health of the stand. In this article, we will review wh ...
Update on Corn Silage Harvesting Practices
Dr. Bill Weiss, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University As corn silage harvest approaches, important decisions must be made regarding silage harvest. The quality of the silage made this fall will have an impact on the herd for the next 12 months. When to ...
Environmental Stewardship- Minimizing Risk and Being Prepared
Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University We live in a world full of risks-it's just a factor of life. Yet, a general mindset seems to have settled among us that we demand a risk-free society. Of course, we know that this is not ...
Bus Trip to Northeast Regional Professional Dairy Heifer Growers Association Conference
Ms. Amanda Hargett, State Dairy Extension Associate, Ohio State University Do you want to learn new information and/or improve the management of your heifers? This trip is NOT just for professional heifer growers. There is information for all who are inte ...
The MILC Program- Time to Act for the 2.4 Billion Pound Plus Producers
Ms. Dianne Shoemaker, District Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University The beginning of the next Milk Income Loss Compensation (MILC) program fiscal year (October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2004) is fast approaching. For producers who ship less than th ...