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  1. Farm Bill Update


  2. Farm Bill Update


  3. Farm Bill Update


  4. Farm Bill Update

    Farm Bill Update: There will be three options for producers to attend an information meeting to learn about changes to the ARC/PLC, important dates and deadlines, crop insurance, and using decision tools to evaluate program choices to make informed progra ...

  5. Peaceful Parenting Classes

    A three session class to help parents with Children of all ages. Session dates are: November 12, 19 and 26, 2019; 9:30 am to 11:00 am. Attendees must attend all three sessions to complete the course. Program content: * Understand how child development imp ...

  6. Beautiful Bonsais

    Join John Porterfield from Bonsai Dayton as he gives a basic introduction of what bonsai is and what it is not.  He will explain the different styles of bonsai trees, the varieties of trees that make good bonsai, how the trees are pruned and wired, and th ...

  7. 4-H at Trick or Treat Night at the Mall

    Stop by the 4-H promotional table during Trick or Treat Night at the Miami Valley Centre Mall in Piqua.  This event will be 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 29.  For additional activities visit: ...

  8. Breakfast with Santa

    Come and join us for Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, November 16, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., at the Miami Valley Centre Mall in Piqua.  There will be pancakes, sausage links, coffee, and orange drink.  The cost is $7 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-9, and ...

  9. Loom Knit Scarf Beginner Workshop

    This Discover 4-H S.T.E.A.M. workshop is for children in grades 3-6.  Participants will learn how to knit a scarf using a loom.  All materials will be provided – including a loom to take home.  The registration and payment deadline is November 7, by 4:00 ...

  10. Graham Cracker "Gingerbread" House Cloverbud Reading Adventures

    Join us for Cloverbud Reading Adventures, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., at the Piqua Public Library on Thursday, November 14.  This program is for children in grades K-2.  Participants will enjoy a story, make a graham cracker “gingerbread” house, and create a h ...
