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  1. Ohio State ATI Apparel Store opens TODAY

    We will have an online store through BSN sports with Ohio State ATI apparel. Some mock ups are below. ATI is on the sleeves or sides of the caps. The team shop will start Monday (1/27) and run until midnight on Monday (2/3). The shop will close at 11:59:5 ...

  2. Snowtubing TOMORROW

    With the limited space on the slopes, only the first 50 students from each campus will be able to attend. We will create a waitlist for those that would like to attend if a spot opens. ...

  3. January 27- February 2, 2025


  4. Online Backyard Poultry Course

    Whatever your reason for raising poultry, this course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and resources you will need to get your backyard flock off to a great start.  ...

  5. 4-H Volunteer Training February 24th

    Ohio 4-H Volunteers have an outstanding reputation for their commitment to the development of our youth. To maintain this outstanding reputation, Ohio 4-H volunteers shall continue enhancing their skills to ensure all 4-H participants have a positive and ...

  6. Ohio State ATI Apparel Store opens TODAY

    The online store through BSN sports with Ohio State ATI apparel is open through 2/3. ...

  7. Jr Horse Council


  8. 2025 Private Applicator Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification

    We will be offering this class on March 10th CLICK HERE for options to register and the flyer for more information ...

  9. Operation Valentine's Day

    Operation Valentine's Day sends cards to military members deployed overseas. Writing stations will be available in the Learning Lab and the Library.  ...

  10. Secrest Arboretum Winter Events

    As winter settles in, Secrest Arboretum is hosting a variety of exciting events to enjoy the season! ...
