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  1. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 1

    The 2018 Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Short-course is a joint effort of Ohio State University Extension, Michigan State University, and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture to enhance the cattle industry in the Eastern Corn Belt. T ...

  2. Dairy Industry Update and Forecast

    Join us for a Dairy Industry Update and Forecast.  This program will focus on the changing markets, options for saving costs in dairy rations, and a look at the 2016 Dairy Summary. For registration information, click HERE ...

  3. Fertilizer Recertification and Winter Manure Management

    Join us to learn about the existing guidelines and regulations for winter manure management and earn 1-hour fertilizer recertification credits.  Handling farm stress will also be covered.   Speaker: Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension Educator For registratio ...

  4. Webinar Series to Advise on Whether Solar Panels are a Smart Investment

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ever consider solar panels to power your farm? Beginning in January, a six-part series of webinars will inform participants about Photovoltaic (PV) panels that convert sunlight into electricity and are installed on a roof or placed on the ...

  5. Farm Succession Workshop- Coshocton County

    OSU Extension will be hosting five “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops across Ohio during the winter of 2018. These planning workshops are designed to help farm families develop a succession and estate plan for their farm business. Attend and ...

  6. Farm Succession Workshop- Darke County

    OSU Extension will be hosting five “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops across Ohio during the winter of 2018. These planning workshops are designed to help farm families develop a succession and estate plan for their farm business. Attend and ...

  7. Farm Succession Workshop- Knox County

    OSU Extension will be hosting five “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops across Ohio during the winter of 2018. These planning workshops are designed to help farm families develop a succession and estate plan for their farm business. Attend and ...

  8. Farm Succession Workshop- Williams County

    OSU Extension will be hosting five “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops across Ohio during the winter of 2018. These planning workshops are designed to help farm families develop a succession and estate plan for their farm business. Attend and ...

  9. Farm Succession Workshop- Clinton County

    OSU Extension will be hosting five “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” workshops across Ohio during the winter of 2018. These planning workshops are designed to help farm families develop a succession and estate plan for their farm business. Attend and ...

  10. Hops Conference, Bus Tour, and Trade Show

    Coming in March 2018, The Ohio State University will host the 5th Annual Hops Conference.  This year’s conference is geared towards new and advanced growers, and will be packed with more education, hands on sessions, visiting the Piketon Hops Yard, buildi ...
