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Search results

  1. A Deeper Look Into Food Safety, Quality: Ohio State Scientist Wins Research Award

    WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio State University scientist Luis Rodriguez-Saona, a national and international expert on using infrared spectroscopy to analyze the safety and quality of foods, has received the Ohio (OARDC) 2014 Distinguished Junior Faculty Research A ...

  2. New Graduate Student Orientation


  3. Fall Semester Welcome Back Lunch

    FST faculty, staff and students are invited to come to the welcome back lunch which will be held in the lobby ofthe Parker Food Science and Technology building. ...

  4. OSU College Bowl Team Wins Midwest Competition

    Congratulations to the OSU College Bowl Team for their recent win at the IFTSA Midwest Area competition in Knoxville, TN!   The team is captained by John Frelka and includes Matt Teegarden, Jacob Farr, Olivia Geoghegan, Hilary Goetz, Ron Bangcuyo, Alex Pi ...

  5. 2015 Pumpkin Field Day

    Please see the flyer for full details and registration information. ...

  6. Dr. Bruce Harte to give Harris Award Lecture

    The 2013 Harris Award recipient Dr. Bruce Harte will be on campus Friday, April 11, 2014 to deliver the Harris Award lecture. The seminar will take place from 2-3 pm in room 118 of the Parker Food Science and Technology building. The title of the seminar ...

  7. Cloverbud Recognition


  8. Modeling Workshop

    Please consult the flyer for full details. ...

  9. Beef Skill-A-Thon and Interview Rules

    Beef Exhibitors: This year the beef department has provided a detailed summary of the Skill-A-Thon and Interview process.  This link provides information about general information, rules, possible areas that will be covered, and information on awards. As ...

  10. High Pressure Processing and Juice

    FST Professor Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam talks about high pressure processing and juice in a recent article by the Click here to read the article. ...
