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  1. OSUE Volunteer Appreciation Reception and Open House

    Invitation ...

  2. Dairy Palooza

    DairyPalooza is a dairy oriented event offering QA training in the AM and then a series of workshops in the PM that are broke down for different levels of experience. We also have a separate Cloverbud program. There is a minimal fee with many “freebies” i ...

  3. Poultry Clinic

    OHIO AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION   2015 Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic   When:              March 28, 2015                       8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Where:            Fisher Auditorium OSU/OARDC 1680 Madi ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Night at the Dayton Dragons

    Ohio 4-H Night at the Dayton Dragons Flyer ...

  5. Managing "Pollen Drift" to Minimize Contamination of Non-GMO Corn

    Author:  Peter Thomison Summarized by:  Cindy Meyer In the last C.O.R.N newsletter (, Edition 4) Peter Thomison addresses the concerns of cross-pollination of non-genetically modified organism (GMO) corn with nearby GMO corn.  This is of great ...

  6. Going Against the Grain- Grain Safety Training Program

    Going Against the Grain Flyer ...

  7. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Flyer ...

  8. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop Flyer ...

  9. 4-H Advisory Council


  10. Quality Assurance Training for Volunteers

    If you wish to be trained in QA so that you can teach it at your club, you need to attend this training. Please call the office to register so materials can be ready for each participant. ...
