Search results

Search results

  1. 4-H Alumni and Friends Survey

    As mentioned in the July family newsletter, the state is working on building a database of 4-H alumni and friends of the 4-H program. They will use the database for networking and connecting those that would like to help out in their respective counties. ...

  2. Horse PAS Show

    Horse PAS Show information.   Tuesday, June 30 th- 6:00 p.m. Smokey Lane Stables Sugarcreek, Ohio $3.00 grounds fee $10.00 out of county fee ...

  3. Livestock Pen Assignment Forms DUE JULY 1

    Livestock penning assignment form final turn in date is July 1, 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Bring completed forms to the Holmes County Fairgrounds Jr. Fair Board office. ...

  4. Farmland Leasing Workshops to be Held Around State

    Ohio State University Extension is offering Farmland Leasing Workshops throughout Ohio this January through March 2014.   The program for landowners and farmers will focus on factors affecting leasing options and rental rates, analyzing rent survey data, ...

  5. Horse PAS Show (PAS Classes Only)

    Horse PAS Show flyer $3.00 grounds fee $10.00 out of county entry fee ...

  6. "An Evening Garden Affair"

    The Hardin County Men’s Garden Club with the assistance of the Hardin County Master Gardeners, is sponsoring  “An Evening Garden Affair” on Monday evening June 22nd at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County, located at 960 Kohler Street in Kenton.  The p ...

  7. Remaining Quality Assurance Dates

    All 4-H and FFA members taking a market or lactating livestock animals are required to meet the Quality Assurance Education Requirement set by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The LAST Holmes County Quality Assurance session will be Thursday, June 11, ...

  8. Canner Testing Available by Appointment

    Canner testing available by appointment for a small fee per unit. Pressure canners tested for safety and dial guage pressure canners tested for accuracy. Call 330-674-3015 to schedule an appointment. ...

  9. Beef and Dairy Steer Carcass Contest


  10. Holmes County Fair

