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Teen Opportunities
This fall is shaping up to be a busy one! There are several events and opportunities coming up for our older 4-H members. Check out the links below for each event and mark your calendars to attend. JL Career Exploration Day: Sunday, September 22, 2019 ...
Teen Night
Come to our Teen Night on Monday, October 28 from 6-8 p.m. at the Extension Office. This event is open to any 4-H teen 13 years old and older and their parents who are interested in getting more involved. We will discuss all of the opportunities that ther ...
Agriculture Exploring Post Open House
Does a career in the field of agriculture interest you? Then you are invited to join our Agriculture Exploring Post. This program is open to students ages 14-20, who have completed the 8th grade. Through immersive hands on experiences, students will gain ...
Career Day
Join us on Sunday, September 22 from 2-5 p.m. at the fairgrounds for a Career Day put on by the Seneca County 4-H Junior Leadership. There will be many businesses with various different occupations. Whether you might be interested in the health field, con ...
Jr. Fair Board Applications
Are you 13 years old or older and in 4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or FFA and want to serve on the Seneca County Jr. Fair Board? Applications are now available at the Jr. Fair Office, the Extension Office and on our website for those who are interested in ...
Mental Health Training
The Seneca County Agricultural Mental Health Committee is hosting an opportunity for anyone working with our farming community in or around Seneca County. This 2 hour session is designed to help our professionals understand how to recognize stress in our ...
CFAES and EEOB Graduate Student Support Group
Are you a current or incoming graduate student looking for a supportive community during this stage in your academic career? The CFAES and EEOB Graduate Student Support Group* serves as a safe and confidential network to help graduate students manage the ...
Professional Development Workshop: Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity (Wooster)
The words "sex" and "gender" are frequently used synonymously, but they actually refer to different, but related, characteristics. So, what is sex? What is gender? And what happens when they don't align? What does it mean to be &q ...
Professional Development Workshop: Identity, Power, and Privilege (Wooster)
What does it mean to have privilege? How do your social identities (e.g., race, gender, class, religion, sexuality, etc.) grant or deny you privilege? How do you know when you have it and when you don't? How can we use power and privilege to break th ...
Professional Development Workshop: Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Implicit Bias (Wooster)
This interactive workshop will explore how identities, beliefs, and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other people in ways that can unconsciously widen the diversity gap and negatively impact us and the people we interact with. Participants will learn ...