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Search results

  1. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  2. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  3. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  4. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    Dr. Monique Pairis-Garcia, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Steve Boyles, Professor, both of the OSU Department of Animal Sciences, will discuss “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design.”  Videos will be used to demonstrate the positive and negative aspects ...

  5. Quality Assurance

    2015 4-H Quality Assurance  Requirements  All exhibitors who wish to exhibit market steers (including baby beef), market lambs, market hogs, market goats, market poultry (broilers and turkeys), lactating dairy cattle and lactating goats at the fair must s ...

  6. 4-H Poultry Committe


  7. Baby Beef Organization Meeting


  8. Last day to sign up for "Jars" FCS Workshop on Saturday, January 24


  9. Martin Luther King Day- Office Closed


  10. Ohio 4-H Scholarships Due

    This is an on-line application which can be found at here.  ...
