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Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Training and Certification
Fertilizer Application Recertification, 10:30 to 11:30a.m. Pesticide Application Recertification, 12:30 to 3:30p.m. Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 IF attending both sessions, packing your own lunch is recommended due to time constraints Plea ...
Beal completes internship with Kentucky Expo Center
Emily Beal, of Conover, recently completed an internship with Kentucky Expo Center in Louisville, Kentucky. During her internship, Beal was responsible for coordinating horse shows that occurred at the Kentucky Exposition Center, including the World’s Cha ...
CALM Down For the Holidays
New 4-H Adult Volunteer Orientation
Plahuta completes internship with Ohio Farm to School
Haley Plahuta, of Upper Arlington, recently completed an internship with the Ohio Farm to School program through Ohio State University Extension in Columbus, Ohio. During her internship, Plahuta promoted the National Farm to Cafetria Conference, which was ...
Oglesby completes internship with OSU Extension
Meredith Oglesby, of Hillsboro, recently completed an internship with OSU Extension, Highland County. During her internship, Oglesby worked to prepare for 4-H camps, summer judging, and the Highland County Fair. She planned Cloverbud Fun Day by creating a ...
Lininger completes internship with OSU Extension
Joanna Lininger, of Sycamore, recently completed an internship with OSU Extension, Marion County in Marion, Ohio. During her internship, Lininger created materials and videos for all extension programs – 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences ...
Federal Funding
Federal Funding – Extension Only Multi-State and Integrated Research and Extension Funding AREERA = Agricultural Research, Extension Education Reform Act of 1998 The Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (AREERA) requires appro ...
November Office Holidays and Office Hour Change
The office will observe three holidays in November. NOTICE: Beginning November 19, we will close at 4:30p.m. instead of 5:00p.m. ...
Seneca County Scholarship Application for 4-H State and National Opportunities
The applications for 4-H State and National Opportunities is now available. There are award trip options for 4-H youth ages 12 and older. The applications are due to the Extension Office by Monday, December 10. Scholarship Application for 4-H State and Na ...