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Search results

  1. Master Gardener Plant Sale

    The MG plant sale is held in conjuction with the flea market. Times are 9:00-4:00pm daily. Wide assortment of plants for sale in ready to take home pots. Proceeds benefit the Master Gardener programs here in Seneca County. ...

  2. Camp Counselor Training


  3. Quality Assurance

    This is the last county wide QA date. Call the office for a list of out of county dates. ...

  4. Camp Registration DUE

    Camp Registration is DUE on Friday.  If you can not make it by 4:30 then use the night drop box by the main entrance. ...

  5. Past Events


  6. Camp Registration ...

  7. 4-H Green Discount Cards

    The green cards are HERE! They sell for $10...the club keeps $5 from every card sold, and the Advisory Council, which supports youth programming in Seneca County, gets $5 from each one. This year, we're welcoming three new businesses to the cards! Th ...

  8. Dairy Palooza

    DairyPalooza is a dairy oriented event offering QA training in the AM and then a series of workshops in the PM that are broke down for different levels of experience. We also have a separate Cloverbud program. There is a minimal fee with many “freebies” i ...

  9. Poultry Clinic

    OHIO AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION   2015 Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic   When:              March 28, 2015                       8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Where:            Fisher Auditorium OSU/OARDC 1680 Madi ...

  10. 4-H Advisory Council

