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Search results

  1. Little Sparks


  2. Early Bird Registrations due for Jr Camp

    Registration is $160 until 4:30 p.m. May 26. May 30- June 2 the fee will be $175 After June 2- fee is $185 and no t-shirt or 'extras' (supply orders will have been submitted) For more information and forms- visit ...

  3. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Holiday Arrangement Workshop

    See flyer for details. Registration is required and is limited to the first 25 registrants. Deadline is November 25, 2016. ...

  4. Master Gardener Coffee Series- Fun with Herbs

    Final harvest for winter cooking, Uses for the home, herbal wreaths, growing tips and more! What's an herb, what's a spice? How can I grow and incorporate herbs into my landscape without any headaches? Complere FLYER and registration.   ...

  5. Predicting Winter 2016-2017

    What to know, how to know and where to get the best information about the weather. WFMJ Chief Meteorologist Eric Wilhelm will join us to get you ready for the snow season! Complete FLYER and registration. ...

  6. Horse Council Meeting


  7. 4-H Pizza Sale Pick up Date

    Just a reminder for those who have participated in the 4-H Pizza Sale Fundraiser that this is the date and time of pick up for those orders.  Unfortunately we do not have refrigeration or freezer storage for these items available to us here so it is very ...

  8. 4-H General Livestock Judging Contest

    Registration at 9 am with contest beginning at 9:30 am Test your knowledge as you rank different classes of livestock. Open to all 4-H members, Hancock County's 4-H Livestock Judging Contest allows participants to practice a valuable life skill of be ...

  9. MGV Meeting


  10. Bicycle Rodeo

    Free Family Event- bicycle rodeo activities are targeted toward youth grades 3-6 and their families Link to a printable flyer for this event This is a Bikes Books & Badges program of Findlay Police Department, other program collaborators are 4-H Youth ...
