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  1. Hardin County YMCA & the Ohio Dept. of Wildlife Family Fishing Day


  2. Hardin County Pond Clinic

    Featured Speaker: Eugene C. Braig IV Program Director, Aquatic Eco-Systems from The Ohio State University Extension, School of Environmental and Natural Resources.  Topics to Discuss: Pond Construction to Pond Maintenance The program will be held outside ...

  3. REVISED Deadline for Camp Scholarship Forms!!!

    Don't miss a possible opportunity to $ave on camp fees! Turn in your forms by 4:30 pm on Tuesday, June 5th. *Please note that there are two separate scholarships!  ...

  4. Sustainable Community Planning Overview

    Program Name ...

  5. Doing and dreaming: A good plan makes a space for both

    “Tones sound, and roar and storm about me until I have set them down in notes.” You might be wondering what this quote from Ludwig van Beethoven has to do with community development. What I hear in the musical master’s words is the process of creating ord ...

  6. 2019 Livestock Judging Contest Results

    The ATI Hoof-n-Hide Club would like to thank you for coming to the General Livestock Judging Contest this past Saturday.   Should you find any errors, please let me know ASAP. Aawards will be distributed as soon as the club can arrange it.  Mike Amstutz A ...

  7. Girls Group 'Splish Splash'

    Come soak up the summer sun with the girls! Meet at the pool. Snacks provided.  Cost- $4 per person, unless you have a pool pass ...

  8. Girls Group 'Slumber Party!'

    Come join us in an exciting night of movies, snacks, games, and tons of memories! Make sure to bring anything you need overnight. Breakfast will be served in the morning!  ...

  9. Girls Group 'Namaste'


  10. Girls Group 'Wild Women'

    Spend the day with friends in the sun exploring the seven continents and their inhabitants. This exciting trip will need support of parents and guardians. Parents, siblings and family members welcomed.  Transportation- Meet at OSU Extension to check in. P ...
