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Pressure Canner Gauge Testing
By appointment. Call 740-474-7534 or email Michelle Treber to schedule a time. ...
Looking back at the 1990s
Last year marked the 40th anniversary of Ohio State ATI's first graduation class of 110 students. We'd like to give you an idea of some of the changes that have occurred in the past 40 years and to that end have put together a video overview of ...
Verbiage to ensure a landowner hosting an OSU program is insured
Please see below for verbiage that can be put on OSU letterhead that insures a landowner for hosting an OSU program. Note that the letter should be signed before the program date. This can be used for any landowner. Municipalities should have their own in ...
Central State University Contact
Any educator contacted by representatives of Central State University needs to refer them to Ken Martin. These contacts can include requests for information, requests to serve on advisory committees/councils, requests to plan and conduct programs, etc. Th ...
Journal Information
A note from Andy Londo: Publishing in peer reviewed outlets benefits all of us, and is a requirement for those in faculty positions. It not only provides peer review validation for the quality of your work, but increases the body of knowledge in your subj ...
OSU Climate Change Webinar
Severe weather has plagued all parts of the US, including the Great Lakes, over the past decade, from floods to droughts, from blizzards to heavy thunderstorms, and from freezing cold to extreme heat. What has been causing such events? What types of weath ...
Streamside Landowner Guides
Streamside Landowner Guides Background These online guides were created as a result of interviews conducted with 24 streamside landowners in two urbanizing watersheds in central Ohio. The purpose of this research was to identify decisions streaside landow ...
Pickaway Co 4-H Camp
Third Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Founders Celebration
The Third Annual Master Gardener Volunteer Founders Celebration will be held on June 10, at 7:00 pm, at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 135 E. Mound Street, Circleville. We will honor those who thru determination and perserverance brought the program to lif ...
Master Gardener Annual Plant Sale